Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2018
With ASEAN turning 50 and China’s One-Belt-One-Road initiative setting the centre stage, Myanmar is in urgent needs to close its infrastructure gap, integrate with the world and collaborate with its neighbouring countries in order to gain from these initiatives for its economy growth. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Myanmar’s infrastructure gap between now and 2030 worth $120 billion. Myanmar, with its urban population growth that faster than spatial growth expects additional of 10 million of people in the cities requires an additional of $320 billion investment on infrastructure to tackle its endemic poverty.
Being the second-largest country by area in South-east Asia with relatively extensive road network that just 20% paved, Myanmar possess vast investment opportunities in trunk road network modernisation, construction of expanded roadways including elevated
highways, improving access to the city via bridges to the south, east and west. Development of regional airports has also been part of the government’s plans in developing both the tourism and transport sector, in addition to its existing plane and cargo handling services that require significant needs of technological support and investment. Urban transport infrastructure in major cities whether in local / commuter rail, road, bridges and lternative transport options i.e. water-taxi, bus system are in focus and presents high investment opportunities.
The Myanmar’s telecoms infrastructure is another area that in need of development. IFC calculated that another 10,000 additional towers are required to provide Myanmar with full coverage. Emphasise is placed on supporting the expansion and further development of the mobile network to fibre network that opportunities exist to develop both national-level corridors as well as to improve Myanmar’s global connectivity.
The Government of Myanmar is determined to pursue balanced territorial development with the aim to close its infrastructure gap and upgrade its infrastructure capacities to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth. Themed “Building An Inclusive, Integrated and Modernised Myanmar”, the hosting of the 4th Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2018 (MIS2018) with the strong supports from Myanmar Engineering Society (MES) and various regional governments along with key stakeholders, is set to provides a platform for potential foreign investors, infrastructure developers, technology providers and infrastructure funders to be updated on the development plans
and policies of investing in Myanmar’s urban and rural infrastructure; to assess market opportunities and at the same time build potential business and investment networks with the local policy makers and industry players.